Greetings from the Whitehall Coven

Greetings from the Whitehall Coven

             When the Witches of Whitehall found that their champion Boris had lied repeatedly to Parliament  they were in a bit of a quandary. Lying to Parliament was such a no-no among the more old-fashioned among them that they felt they had no option but to ask him to resign. They did so with a heavy heart as they were very fond of the old rascal. And they spent the summer organising a contest to find a replacement for him. The media so busy following the antics of the contestants that nobody seemed concerned about the signs that their economy was in a bit of trouble and the media were far too polite to do a reality check of the contestants policies. And they just loved the feisty attitude of the eventual winner Liz Truss, with her can-do approach of low taxes and growth, growth and more growth in the face of rising National debt.  

               Needless to say the witches of Dysart Parish watched the events in Whitehall unfold in fear and trepidation. They knew from experience that when the Whitehall witches stirred their cauldron too vigorously, witches here were frequently doused with their contents. And this didn’t seem like a very palatable potion. Sure enough The Markets took a very dim view of Liz Truss’s potion as well.

               Miss Beatrice call an Extraordinary General Meeting to see had anyone any idea as to what they could do to calm the Markets. The last time any of them took any interest in the Markets was in 2008-2010. And how did that work out? The EU insisted that the IMF take charge and the country followed their prescription- tax hikes and service cuts – a miserable few years followed before things improved. But Britain seems to be on a different trajectory. They have just put a woman in charge who spearheaded the Bill to break the international agreement with the EU-The Northern Ireland Protocol- giving the EU the two fingers as it were. She certainly has form in believing that actions don’t have consequences. “How could supposedly intelligent people have given her the reins of government?” Wondered Earnestina. After much discussion the Coven could only come up with one proposal and sent Liz this message – RECRUIT JEREMY HUNT- and she did, she sacked her Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng and appointed Jeremy. “Thank Goodness we don’t live in Tudor times when ex-Chancellors were beheaded” thought Beatrice. But will this be enough to calm the Markets?