Miss Mildred and Housing

Miss Mildred was horrified to learn that housing estates for first time buyer were sold to vulture funds. She knew her dear friend Taoiseach Micheal had to do something urgently before there were boots on the street. Anxious to help, she lost no time in rushing out to her garden and harvesting some sage to make him a potion.
And indeed it seems to be having some effect. There was no talk today of commissioning a report or setting up a working group. No, it’s all action, full steam ahead. Manderins in the various Departments where Micheal was Minister in the past are amazed at the transformation. Their various offices are lined with reports Micheal commissioned in his days as Minister. They are shocked to the core that he has omitted this step. They thought report commissioning was an integral part of his DNA.
So impressed are they at the transformation that they are considering contacting the Ratheniska Coven and asking them to reverse a spell that was put on the Department of Finance back in Michael Noonan day, which gave Investment funds such rich pickings on investment in housing, while at the same time putting in place a Ministry of Housing which acted as fall guy and distract from what was happening.
Amazing it took us all so long to figure it out, but then, we didn’t do BESS in Trinity.
Miss Mildred